Thursday, November 1, 2012

Being Brittany

Okay, I'm going to get a little personal. You see, I am kind of afraid of "Being Brittany". I have always second guessed who I really am. What I really think and feel. I have never been confident.

This is how I feel somedays when I think about myself. It is pretty depressing, and it's my life. It's okay that I have bad days. Days when I don't know myself or necessarily want to know myself. Days when bed seems like a safe haven and food is comfort. I mask these days pretty well, and with a pair of super great new black booties, I might add. Talking with my therapist today, she helped me realize that I need to give myself permission to be me. To be me today, with all my imperfections. THIS is me. I need to accept myself in order to be my whole self. I am so grateful to have this opportunity to learn about myself. I am who I am. So, I found this very wise picture-quote thing on pinterest (along with all these little sayings).

I've got to remember this. I tend to believe EVERYTHING I think. I can't always do this. I have to remember to stop thinking sometimes and just BE. And now that I am starting to accept myself and love myself and learn to know myself.. I need to create. I need to create my future, create my happiness and create my new state of mind. I am going to be creating my future.
I like the idea of creating my future, since I like to create other things, like wreaths and cute outfits :)

As I grow into myself, I will still have "those" days. and when I do... I can just:

smile and wave I will. :D Thanks for reading, I'll post a cute outfit tomorrow or something. ;)

-me, Brittany

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Yesterday morning I woke up to snow and ice cold toes. I was not happy about seeing the snow but was happy about getting all layered up and warm. You see, I'm not too fond of the snow, it is cold, uncomfortable and makes the roads quite unsafe. HOWEVER, it is beautiful when it first falls. It is fun for about five minutes and then I want it to go away. Cade says you can't have Christmas without snow but I beg to differ. I grew up with little snow for Christmas. I enjoyed my Christmas in Florida where I got to ride around on my new bike in my nightgown without freezing. I think it adds to the season, but I could do without it.. ANYWAYS.. I love layering for the cold. I like being warm, so yesterday I started with a plain white long-sleeve shirt, and dark jeans. Added a cute Burberry plaid inspired scarf (from wally world), a pair of motorcycle style boots and a biker style jacket. I did a quick teased ponytail with curled ends and basic makeup. Here's a picture:

Today in school we had a great "Fluff" Lecture (as my instructor calls it). It was alll about Holiday Decor! I LOVE HOLIDAY DECORATING!! So with the holiday decorating on my mind I made a 3 Layer Carrot Pineapple Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting. It was beautiful and it tasted delicious! I think a simple white frosted cake is the perfect addition to holiday decorating for every season (and it is SUPER easy decorating lol). Carrot Cake just screams fall and winter to me. It has cinnamon, almonds and that gorgeous orange color. Very warm and with hot chocolate or a glass of cold milk.. mmm mmm mmm! How beautiful would this be on a table with holiday decor?!:

click on HERE to get the recipe

I am loving the details of my life. Sometimes are better than others, and right now it is a better time. :) Thanks for stoppin by! -Britt

Thursday, October 18, 2012


So, I've abandoned my blogging and instagraming due to an overload on my brain. I have had so much going on inside my mind that I didn't really want to put any effort into anything. Sometimes I get discouraged, sad and unmotivated. I think we all do at one point or another, I feel like it happens pretty often for me.
I am so lucky to have so many friends and family who support and love me and my little crazy bug (that's what I call my depression). It is hereditary, a gift passed down from generations before me. Having the knowledge of this I am able to change how I cope and deal with the crazies. I started seeing a therapist, which was nerve wrecking and exhausting but at the same time reassuring. I now have a person to speak to about whatever is going on in my mind, she listens, is supportive and has given me a couple things to work on until our next meeting. She won't judge me for the way I am, she understands what I have and doesn't question the reality of its existence in my life.
I will work on some meditating and journaling. Finding the positives in each day and the experiences I have.

In other news, Cade and I are the new owners of a Ford Focus. It's a cute little car with great gas mileage. It will definitely be better for our rides down to the In-laws and back without taking my nitro and spending SO much on gas. Also, I have picked up my first client, sort of.. My instructor asked for a volunteer to help out the manager of a company called Westhost and their new office and I took the opportunity! I I have my first meeting with him on Monday!! I am excited to work on the lobby space (I will post pictures once I begin).

Today, I came home to a package at the front door. My mind was reeling, I couldn't remember what I had ordered, had Cade ordered me something? Was it a surprise? Hah I thought of everything, then I opened it and discovered an awesome accessories catalogue from Cyan Design. Here is a picture of it... I am super stoked to go through every page of it.
Have a wonderful evening! I will try not to take another hiatus. :)


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Headboard Obsession

I have recently been obsessed with headboards. I want one, I think about them, dream about them and visualize most everything above my bed to fill that void in my life. It may seem dramatic... but that is really how it is. I was looking up some headboards today and these are some that I found just in a google image search.
LOVE this Chevron print, polka-dot sheets, goldfish accent pillow, and striped bedding!
The pictures above the headboard really add to the large scale and add grandeur to the room. I am thinking I might paint a picture above my current headboard... I dunno, maybe I will just keep dreaming.. If anything does come of my dreams, I will be sure to let you know. :) I hope y'all enjoy these photos, and if you too are dreaming of headboards, I hope these gave you a little inspiration! -britt

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Past Week

SOOOOOOO A lot has been happening and I got super busy.. I should have made time to blog, but I am a bit lazy ;) We took our little trip to Bear Lake, and it was very relaxing and romantic. When Cade and I make time for each other, spontaneously or planned, it really helps our relationship to stop and make that time for ourselves. Here is a picture of me and the bike looking over Bear Lake.

Then, this last weekend Cade and I had drill for the National Guard. It was Governor's Day and also we had a change of our Utah National Guard command. Friday night was a BBQ and Saturday morning was the Governor's Day Ceremony and change of Command. I am grateful that Cade and I are able to spend time together. It was a great opportunity to hear the Governor and our command speak to us. To hear their support and their pride in us as soldiers made me feel proud to wear the uniform. I am so proud of this country and I have so much hope for the country and what our potential is as a people.

After Governor's Day, we drove back to Logan to go to the Utah State football game. It was a great game, we were a little afraid that USU was going to play poorly since they were playing against the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, but UNLV made a touchdown and that sparked USU. It was a "White-out" game, so many people participated that it looked awesome when you looked around the stadium. It was a great night spent with great friends. I am so grateful to be home to enjoy these moments.

Today, my class and I had the AMAZING opportunity to meet the Architect/Interior Designer/Author Sarah Susanka. She was so inspiring. I left the symposium with such an uplifted attitude. I was so excited to look at my life and my future and make some plans for my passions. I was reminded of the things that are in my heart just waiting to become part of my life. I was so blessed to have this opportunity. I got her book, Home By Design, and The Not So Big Life- she also signed them :) I am going to start reading the book The Not So Big Life, I'm sure I will be updating y'all about what I read and things like that. I AM FILLED WITH SO MUCH EXCITEMENT!! haha! Here are some pictures from today, including me with my books and my super cute outfit :)

I took a lot of great notes that I will be incorporating into my life starting..TOMORROW :)

Good Night Y'all! -Britt

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Classic Casual

Today I mixed up a classic blazer with some light denim Capri pants, sparkly smoke slippers and a neon necklace that toughens up the blazer. I braided my hair up into a top knot and put on some classic eye makeup with a neutral lip color. I have been having fun mixing up the styles in my closet for close to nothing money wise! Just having some classic pieces that you can mix up with some trendy accessories makes getting ready in the morning so much fun! :) I hope you have a great Thursday! (I'm going on a motorcycle ride to Bear Lake to eat dinner with my hubby.. I'll take some pictures, it is beautiful today so we are taking advantage of the weather while we can!)

Talk to y'all soon!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Sparkly Outfit

Howdy! This was my outfit today, it made me feel so girly.

My instructor and I have been working in this adorable elephant artwork for my instructor's friend who just had a set of twins. Today we finished it. It was more difficult than you'd think. Modge-podgeing scrapbook paper onto a painted canvas was quite the task. I guess since I hadn't done that before it was more difficult for me than it would be for a more skilled modge-podger... Anyways, I bought some organizing things for my makeup, jewelry, scarves and belts! I will post pictures of before and after! :)


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Olive Garden Soup and Tech Expo

Good Morning! A couple days ago I made soup for dinner. Now, Cade and I LOVE Olive Garden's chicken and gnocchi soup, but eating out has made us broke.. so I decided to try my own. Thank goodness for the internet, I mean really, where would we be without Google?? I "Googled" a recipie and found this one. It was AMAZING!! My husband was very impressed, I was even impressed (I don't normally like what I cook... because I'm pretty critical of myself). So it was a big deal! You should try it!

Last night was the Bridgerland Tech Expo and job fair. It is a way for the school to showcase the programs that are available and also have a place where people can get some leads for jobs and things like that. I had a blast welcoming people and helping them make these awesome magazine strip bows.

The bulletin board outside of our classroom was a point of interest for many people. We took doll chairs and painted them all different colors, hung them from the corners of the bulletin board on raffia string. Put up pictures of some of the different fields of interior design, and hung up fabric samples and a paint deck. A lot of people loved it and stopped by just to tell us that!

I also have a couple funny stories to share.. There was this weird (very, very weird),older man who decided it would be appropriate to approach me and tell me that he wasn't really interested in the program but that he was interested in me because I was so pretty. I laughed and smiled politely. As he turned to walk away he dropped some papers, he turned back around and said to me, "You have got me all hot and bothered".... now, at this, you can imagine the horrified look on my face, as I again tried to be polite and handed him his dropped papers. After that terrifying experience, there weren't really any other weirdo's that hit on me. UNTIL right before the thing ended, another older gentleman wandered over to the interior design area, as he was leaving, he said something in another language, so I asked him what he had said, "Thank you, sweetie," was his response, "in Russian." I just stood there... politely smiling, glad the day was over and I could go home to my husband.

I am grateful for these little experiences in my life. It's all about the details! :) Have a great day!! -Britt

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Parade

Hey Y'all :) Happy Sunday! I have had a very nice, quiet, relaxing Sunday, I hope y'all have had the same. I have lots to share! As I said on Friday, I went to the Parade of Homes here in Logan (Cache Valley). It was AWESOME! I loved SO many things!! There were a few things I didn't like, but I didn't take pictures of those. Some of the interiors were so well designed it made me so ready to have a house of my own to design.
These aren't all the pictures I took, just a few of photos that inspired me or that I really enjoyed seeing. Spending time with my classmates was great, we were able to see some of the styles that we all liked and didn't like. I think that is one of my favorite things about design, there are so many perspectives. I hope you like the pictures! let me know which one(s) are your favorite! p.s. I will get better at posting, I promise! I know I have said it before but I really will get better.