Six o'clock comes super early, every morning. She doesn't hesitate to start whining the moment she wakes up. I watch her in the monitor as she raises her leg and tries to figure out how to get out of that crib. Then she is quiet for just a minute... In that quiet time, she poops. By six thirty, she has pooped and wants out of the bed, understandably. However, it's not easy dragging myself out of the bed every morning, knowing I'm walking into a poop smelling bedroom with a whining baby in her crib. Once in the living room, the diaper is changed (luckily the scream fit she used to throw is over..) and she starts whining again. I get her sippy cup filled with milk, we sit and watch cartoons as she slurps it down. Then she gets down to make the same mess she makes every day. The toys are spilled all over the floor, taken to the kitchen and dining room and down the hall. I watch her as I lay lazily on the couch. At about seven thirty she is ready to eat. I walk to the kitchen and open the pantry and fridge and stare at the food inside. "How can there be so much stuff in here and I not know what to make??" I wonder to myself. She starts crying as I shut the fridge door because she wants food NOW. My frustration escalates as I prepare her and my breakfast because her crying and tantrums continue. I give her some fruit, hoping that will settle her down, for a minute while she eats then it's back to tantrums. Hitting her head on the floor, throwing things, just making me crazy. Once breakfast is ready I take it to the table. I put Georgia in her high chair and we eat. Today, was just a little bit different. I was so incredibly frustrated with Georgia this morning as I prepared her breakfast. I give her everything, and she's standing there screaming at me! Why?? What have I done to make her think this is okay????? I just want to pull out my hair!! I walk to the dining room and place our bowls of oatmeal on the table and put Georgia in her high chair. I look at her, so mad, like "are you happy now??" And she looks at me and folds her arms. Reminding me to pray. I can't even explain the amount of love I felt from my Heavenly Father as I too folded my arms and began to pray. Tears streaming down my face as I thanked my Heavenly Father for all that we have and for such a wonderful example that Georgia is to me. Today isn't going to miraculously be amazing and everything will go as planned, but that little act changed my whole attitude this morning. I am just so thankful to be a mom. Georgia teaches me so much every day. I am so grateful I was trusted with this sweet child of God. I can only hope that I can be everything she needs me to be. That I can be the mother God wants me to be. Georgia is such a sour patch kid! But I wouldn't have her any other way. Sour and sweet.