Thursday, November 1, 2012

Being Brittany

Okay, I'm going to get a little personal. You see, I am kind of afraid of "Being Brittany". I have always second guessed who I really am. What I really think and feel. I have never been confident.

This is how I feel somedays when I think about myself. It is pretty depressing, and it's my life. It's okay that I have bad days. Days when I don't know myself or necessarily want to know myself. Days when bed seems like a safe haven and food is comfort. I mask these days pretty well, and with a pair of super great new black booties, I might add. Talking with my therapist today, she helped me realize that I need to give myself permission to be me. To be me today, with all my imperfections. THIS is me. I need to accept myself in order to be my whole self. I am so grateful to have this opportunity to learn about myself. I am who I am. So, I found this very wise picture-quote thing on pinterest (along with all these little sayings).

I've got to remember this. I tend to believe EVERYTHING I think. I can't always do this. I have to remember to stop thinking sometimes and just BE. And now that I am starting to accept myself and love myself and learn to know myself.. I need to create. I need to create my future, create my happiness and create my new state of mind. I am going to be creating my future.
I like the idea of creating my future, since I like to create other things, like wreaths and cute outfits :)

As I grow into myself, I will still have "those" days. and when I do... I can just:

smile and wave I will. :D Thanks for reading, I'll post a cute outfit tomorrow or something. ;)

-me, Brittany


  1. I really love your honesty Britt. I think we all have that feeling inside us at times and some of us more than others. Thanks for the post :) Love you!

  2. Brittany, you are SUCH a sweet, cute girl!!! I think we all feel like this sometimes, and you worded it perfectly!!! If it helps at all, I THINK YOU'RE WONDERFUL!!!

  3. GIRL FRAN!! YOU ROCK! ....seriously. such an inspiration to me! love you sweets!!
