(For your viewing pleasure, our poor puppy in his cone of shame so he doesn't lick his stitches.)
My sweet sweet husband decided that we would use our holiday to get caught up on all the little chores around the house. I was in complete compliance. So, as planned, we slept in a little and then once out of bed, we made the bed and headed downstairs to start the chores. The day started off great, Cade was making breakfast while I was peeling the covers off our couch cushions, so I could wash them of course. I took the covers to the washer, turned it on and went back downstairs to vacuum out where the cushions had been. I did so, and as I did I started to randomly get upset. Let me just say, our vacuum is awful. We got it when we first got married and it was awful then, so you can imagine how it is three years later... Even more awful. Anyways, I am vacuuming and getting more and more upset about how awful the vacuum is. I finish and sit on a chair and just continue to internally make this huge deal about how awful the vacuum is. Then I start to think about bringing the baby into the house where I've just pushed dirt all around and she is going to have all these allergic reactions because of how dirty the house is. I start freaking out because I'm realizing that any day really we could be bringing home this little living creature that will be ours forever and I started to think about how she has to come out of my hoo-ha in order to get here and then I freaked out about that and then I was like, if she were to come right now my legs haven't been shaved in like a week and they would be prickly and I wanted a mani/pedi before I had her and that isn't done and I haven't showered today and my hair is dirty and oh my goodness, I'm going to have a child!! I'm going to have a living, breathing, little, baby girl! And I just start crying and crying and crying.
Cade looks over and is like, "what's wrong??" And I'm just crying. He comes over and hugs me and then gets back to finishing up breakfast, because, this mental breakdown, all those thoughts, literally elapsed within five minutes. I got over my little cry-fest and sat down to eat breakfast. Cade asked me, "so, what's going on?" And I just start to tear up and then start crying about how freaked out I am..... Cade just kind of giggled and told me everything was going to be okay. I drank my orange juice, satisfied with my husband's loving words of support.
I have been truly blessed with such an amazing pregnancy and I'm kind of scared for it to end. I am uncomfortable, yes, and I've had some of the worst heartburn/indigestion I could ever imagine, but other than that, I have been happy and healthy. I could not ask for a more awesome experience. To actually enjoy this time has been such a blessing. I am excited to meet our little bundle of genes but I'm also anxious and antsy about it.
I hope you all got a little laugh from my meltdown this morning, because I am finding it very amusing. Thanks for reading! love, Britt
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