Friday, November 1, 2013

This Mothering Thing

I found this quote on pinterest and was inspired:

I am 6 weeks into this whole "Being a mom" thing and I have had so many different emotions. I have already doubted what I'm doing and how I'm mothering Georgia. I realize, the doubting won't stop, but I do feel a little more comfortable in what I'm doing today. I have read about "Attachment Parenting", I'm guessing that is more of the route I'm taking with Georgia. I didn't have the "Natural Birth" but I am nursing Georgia and she co-sleeps most nights.

I have talked to a few moms that had their babies around the same time as me and I started to feel insecure about my mothering. Georgia is not on any kind of schedule, we don't have any routines and I hold her all the time. I'm actually buying a baby wrap today so I can wear her. Some people would say I shouldn't hold her so much and that she shouldn't be sleeping in my bed. I have never been someone who does what everyone says I "should" or "shouldn't" do, I've kinda always done my own thing. So when it comes to parenting, I'm not surprised that I'm not doing what the majority thinks I "should" be doing. Maybe I am making it harder on myself by doing what I feel is the best for Georgia and not what the books say, but yesterday when Georgia looked right in my eyes and cooed her first coo, I knew I was doing something right. I started to cry and just kept telling her "Thank You" because she had made me feel confident in being her mother.

To be the mother I know I want to be, I have to stop comparing myself to other mothers who may have it all together. I am grateful for those good examples though. They help me to know that there are so many different ways to raise a baby- as they say "It takes a village..." I am grateful for my mom who tells me I'm doing a great job. She showed me that there isn't just one way to raise a child, each one is different. I love watching this little girl grow and change. I love holding this little person. I know this time is short, I am going to stop worrying about whether or not I'm doing it "right" and cherish all the time I have with her. I won't be a perfect mother,but I can be a good one. :)

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