Thursday, December 19, 2013

"I work out"...well, I used to

Good morning everyone! I have just been thinking recently that I need to make some changes in the way I eat and in the amount of time I spend "working out". I follow several girls on Instagram that are pretty inspiring, sharing their crazy diets and WODs. I am always like,"I can't do that, I have a baby" and "there's no way I could be that strict," so I normally just pass by them and think momentarily about the beautiful bikini bod I could have if I put in the effort then the next picture is usually a bow that would look adorbs on Georgia or something creative like a DIY project and my bikini bod in my head goes away.  Well, this morning one of the fitness bloggers wrote something to the effect of, "big, small, thin, fat, everyone has opinions but the most important opinion is that of yourself. If you are happy the way you are, the just be happy! Don't worry about what others have to say!"  That is not a direct quote, I definitely made it my own because I can't remember what day it is, much less a quote hah. But anyways, it got me thinking. The thing is, I am happy with the way I look, I do feel that I have a nice shape and that I look pretty good for having a baby 3 months ago. Although, I feel I would look and FEEL better if I made some small but manageable changes daily. I would really like to have some muscle tone. Right now I kind of feel like a noodle..just straight legs and arms, no muscles or even fat haha just skin and bones, and I don't mind it, but I'd like some of those Carrie Underwood legs, abs and arms. If only things we wanted came easy, right?? But normally, the things we want take hard work and sacrifices. Waa waa :/  I'm not too keen on the whole hard work and sacrifice thing, but I do believe I can make some small changes that would help me to feel better. While I was deployed, working out was just the thing you did, so I started lookin pretty fit, and I remember how much I liked it. I also remember how easy it was to make healthy eating decisions. Now that I'm a momma, and exclusively breast feeding Georgia, I really feel that a healthy diet is important. Up till now, I've just been hoping that what I eat is okay enough that Georgia and I are both getting the nutrients we need. That is a silly way of eating for me because I'd rather eat Little Debbie cakes and drink Diet  coke all day than actually put effort into my meals. Here's the thing, I'm not about to become some fitness blogger or claim that I know anything at all about fitness or eating healthy, but I am going to use this as a type of diary/log that I'll try and do daily, but that isn't really realistic to do for me, so I'll try. I also wanted to be accountable with someone other than Cade. The way I'll be posting will probably be like a "morning after" type thing, where I share what I've eaten/how I worked out. I hope I can make little daily changes that will help me look and feel better both in body and spirit. I do believe that the way we feel about ourselves can either uplift us or keep us negative, as Satan would have it. I don't know about you, but I don't want to me miserable like Satan, so in order to be the opposite of him, I will try to have a positive outlook on life and myself. I will also be trying to live the Gospel more than I have lately. I know that once I start to make changes, The Lord helps to open doors of opportunity and He helps with the positivity.  I guess you could say I'm starting my New Year's Resolutions now. I will need to make a list still, but I've got two things just in this post I'd like to work on throughout 2014 and the rest of my life! :) Oh, and one more thing, I'm thinking of changing the name of my blog to "Cross My Heart", because I'm just speaking the truth! And it's clever... Hehe tell me what you think! Thanks everyone for your love and support! Here's to knowing that as soon as I start to make changes, all Hell will break loose and trying will be a pain in my patootie! :) love y'all! --Britt

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