Friday, March 6, 2015

DIY Unicorn Poop (Essential Oil Glittered Play Dough)

Good Morning!! I have been on Pinterest like a mad woman, trying to find everyday uses for my essential oils, when I stumbled upon THIS recipe I was super excited to make it! It is a simple salt dough recipe or whatever, but because I am Brittany, I can't just do what the recipe says... I have to make it my own.... SO here is my version of this play dough recipe, that I feel is rightfully named "Unicorn Poop".

I found these super cute little glass jars at Hobby Lobby (that happened to be 1/2 off when I got them...woot!) I think they are just like the little Ball mason jars used for jam and things like that, but they are cute little storage containers for my new concoctions of things (like play dough!)
For my recipe, I cut the original into fourths (?) so it would fit into the little jars:
1/4 C All Purpose Flour
2 Tbsp Salt
1/2 tsp Cream of Tartar
1/4 C Water
A little bit of Coconut Oil (like the original recipe, any oil would do, I just wanted to use coconut)
Food Coloring
ANNNND Essential Oils
Now, I just followed the recipe, mixing the flour, salt and cream of tartar in a medium sauce pan until combined, then add water, oil, and food coloring and mix until smooth.
Turn on stove to MEDIUM LOW (it will come together quick) and mix until it looks something like this:
Remove from heat and let cool for a few minutes... I am bad about this, so I cleaned up while I impatiently waited haha.. Then you can add the GLITTER!!! I just dumped a bunch into the pan.. you might think, isn't that a bit excessive?? buuuttt I don't really know what that word means... so, no, it's not.
I kneaded in the glitter, then added the essential oils to the dough (about 5-6 drops) and kneaded them in... and there you have it- UNICORN POOP!!! (It actually made me think of bait for fish hah)
I hope you enjoy making your very own Unicorn Poop! The blog I tagged in this post, listed her favorite essential oils and what they are good for (like lavender is good for relaxing...etc) I enjoy playing with our lavender scented Unicorn Poop, because as it warms up, I can smell the lavender and it IS relaxing, like a stress ball that is super glittery! Also, I added a little bitty bit of coconut oil before I added the glitter, just because it was a little dryer than I liked :) GOOD LUCK and have fun playing with your Unicorn Poop!! If you have any questions, let me know! Thank you for reading! HAVE A FANTASTIC DAY!!! :)

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