Monday, March 2, 2015

Oily Unicorn

Oh my goodness, I have been sucked in! No, no, I'm kidding, I have just found an awesome product that I am excited to have incorporated into my daily life! I haven't been using essential oils long, only about a week, but I am so pumped to put them to work in my home. I have been doing A LOT of research on different ways to use them and how to make them practical for everyday use in my home. SO, I figured I would kinda answer a few questions about Why I have decided to sell doTerra oils, and what I hope to gain from this experience...

Why doTerra? Well, really the reason for choosing this brand is because it was the one introduced to me. I know Young Living is another big brand, and there are several others that are kinda this same thing..(multi-level marketing)... From my understanding, doTerra is a great brand with 100% natural oils and they have a positive focus on natural living.

Why sell oils? Honestly, I just want to have fun classes and I thought, welllll, if I'm going to have a class, and someone wants to buy some oils, then why not earn a little commission? And if it helps out my friend, then, why not?! I couldn't really think of a reason why not, so that's pretty much why I decided to do this. Also, this gives me a reason to clean my house (and keep it clean) in case I want to have a class or have someone over to learn more about oils, it would be nice to welcome people into a clean home haha! It gives me a reason to have all my friends over!! I LOVE PEOPLE!! Especially when we can learn cool things to do to live more naturally and use more natural products in our home! This opportunity will keep me busy. I am finding that when I have a few things on my plate at a time, I am so much more efficient in daily life! Things actually get done when I have more things to crazy at that seems! haha! I have my first class Monday night, so I will see how that goes, and see how long this little experience actually lasts ;)

What am I hoping to gain from this? I am NOT trying to supplement income or anything like that. I do not hope to make thousands of dollars a month. I hope to gain a better knowledge of essential oils and how they can support a healthy lifestyle. I want to know how to better care for my family and my body with the help of oils. I want to have more knowledge of how to use them, practically, in my daily life--cleaning supplies, beauty supplies, AND preventing things like the common cold... I am also just looking to gain more self-confidence, being in these sorts of situations keeps me on my toes and makes me feel like a better "me".

I am super excited for this little venture! I am excited to meet new people, form new friendships and help others to learn along with me, the benefits of using these hippie oils. My husband is already making fun of me, calling my mixing of oils, witch-craft and potions haha! I love that man, and I am happy that he is supportive, even if he does give me a hard time. Thank you so much for reading!! :) HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!!

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