Blogging about life as a Unicorn Momma. It's fun, it's glittery, and it's definitely different...
Friday, September 25, 2015
Better Late, Than Never
Monday, August 31, 2015
Lettuce Ketchup
Monday, August 3, 2015
It's not you, it's me
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Clean Up on Aisle 6...
Monday, April 13, 2015
I think my heart might burst..
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Some times I forget where I put my Unicorn Horn
I am writing this out because it is making me feel better, maybe I should just write it in a journal, but maybe one of you is struggling too, and I want you to know that it is okay! I misplace my beautiful, sparkly unicorn horn every once in a while, and forget the awesome person that I really am, and that is okay. I forget that the things in this life are worth so much more than I could ever imagine and that there is a bigger and better plan for me. It doesn't take a, "chin-up, buttercup" to change that either, so if you know someone with depression, don't tell them that. Also, don't tell them to get over it... or that it will get better... that is not what we need to hear. The darkness that consumes my brain eats those words and vomits more darkness and anger. It isn't a logical thing. It isn't an emotional thing. It is a completely uncontrollable, unrealistic, unhappiness that has nothing to do with anything. Seriously. I just want you to know that, some times it looks like I might have it all together, and some days, I do...because sometimes I realize how awesome and sparkly and fun I am. But some times, I don't. Some times there is so much darkness eating at me that I don't even recognize myself in the mirror. I am a super sparkly unicorn with so much to offer in this world! I have so much to do with this life that I have been given! And so do you! I hope that, if you are struggling with depression of any kind, that you will know that you are not alone. And even if it isn't depression, if it is just that you are feeling completely helpless, just know, that You are a sparkly Unicorn (or fairy, or princess, or mermaid, or whatever mystical creature you want to be)! You are a fantastic, amazing and beautiful person! I'm not going to tell you that there will be better days, but I will tell you that I completely understand if you just want to eat a pizza all by yourself and lock yourself in your bathroom while you sit in the tub and watch every show and movie ever on netflix. I get it.
I hope you are having a wonderful April Fool's day! (As dark as this post was, I really do want the most happiness for everyone!!) Thank you all for reading! I love you and appreciate your love and support! EAT ALL THE PEANUT M&M'S AND DRINK ALLLL THE DIET COKES!!Tuesday, March 10, 2015
My Heart, Christ's Home
Friday, March 6, 2015
DIY Unicorn Poop (Essential Oil Glittered Play Dough)
1/4 C All Purpose Flour
2 Tbsp Salt
1/2 tsp Cream of Tartar
1/4 C Water
A little bit of Coconut Oil (like the original recipe, any oil would do, I just wanted to use coconut)
Food Coloring
ANNNND Essential Oils
Now, I just followed the recipe, mixing the flour, salt and cream of tartar in a medium sauce pan until combined, then add water, oil, and food coloring and mix until smooth. Turn on stove to MEDIUM LOW (it will come together quick) and mix until it looks something like this: Remove from heat and let cool for a few minutes... I am bad about this, so I cleaned up while I impatiently waited haha.. Then you can add the GLITTER!!! I just dumped a bunch into the pan.. you might think, isn't that a bit excessive?? buuuttt I don't really know what that word means... so, no, it's not. I kneaded in the glitter, then added the essential oils to the dough (about 5-6 drops) and kneaded them in... and there you have it- UNICORN POOP!!! (It actually made me think of bait for fish hah) I hope you enjoy making your very own Unicorn Poop! The blog I tagged in this post, listed her favorite essential oils and what they are good for (like lavender is good for relaxing...etc) I enjoy playing with our lavender scented Unicorn Poop, because as it warms up, I can smell the lavender and it IS relaxing, like a stress ball that is super glittery! Also, I added a little bitty bit of coconut oil before I added the glitter, just because it was a little dryer than I liked :) GOOD LUCK and have fun playing with your Unicorn Poop!! If you have any questions, let me know! Thank you for reading! HAVE A FANTASTIC DAY!!! :)